2021 NASA EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Development Seed Grant – 03/15/2021 Deadline to apply

The programmatic focus is to further engage and utilize Nevada’s unique resources and talent for enhancing scientific discovery and/or developing new technologies to address NASA’s research priorities. The request for seed grant funds may be based on outcomes from prior workshops/meetings with NASA Personnel; however, a seed grant award should not augment existing funded research projects. Research Infrastructure Development (RID) activities should target unique activities that increase Nevada’s competitiveness.

2021 Nevada NASA EPSCoR Research CAN Pre-proposal – LOI deadline 09/07/2020

The National NASA EPSCoR Program has revised the schedule for the Research Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) once again. It is anticipated that the National NASA EPSCoR CAN solicitation will be released in late-November 2020 with a single full proposal submission due in early February 2021. To allow sufficient time to select and develop a single strong full proposal from Nevada, a letter of intent and pre-proposals are being solicited in advance of the Federal CAN release.

2020 NASA EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Development Seed Grant – 02/10/2020 Deadline to apply

The programmatic focus is to further engage and utilize Nevada’s unique resources and talent for enhancing scientific discovery and/or developing new technologies to address NASA’s research priorities. The request for seed grant funds may be based on outcomes from prior workshops/meetings with NASA Personnel; however, a seed grant award should not augment existing funded research projects. Research Infrastructure Development (RID) activities should target unique activities that increase Nevada’s competitiveness.

2020 Nevada NASA EPSCoR Research CAN Pre-proposal – LOI deadline 08/26/19

The National NASA EPSCoR Program has revised the schedule for the Research Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) once again. It is anticipated that the National NASA EPSCoR CAN solicitation will be released in mid-November, 2019 with a single full proposal submission due in early February 2020. To allow sufficient time to select and develop a single strong full proposal from Nevada, a letter of intent and pre-proposals are being solicited in advance of the Federal CAN release.

2019 NASA EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Development Seed Grant – 04/01/19 deadline to apply

The programmatic focus is to further engage and utilize Nevada’s unique resources and talent for enhancing scientific discovery and/or developing new technologies to address NASA’s goals. The request for seed grant funds may be based on outcomes from prior workshops/meetings with NASA Personnel; however, a seed grant award should not augment existing funded research projects.  Research Infrastructure Development (RID) activities should target unique activities that increase Nevada’s competitiveness.

2018 NV NASA EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Development (RID) Seed Grant – 6/4/18 deadline to apply

The programmatic focus is to further engage and utilize Nevada’s unique resources and talent for enhancing greater scientific discovery and developing new technologies to address NASA’s goals. The request for seed grant funds may be based on outcomes from prior workshops/meetings with NASA Personnel; however, these funds should not augment existing funded research projects. Research Infrastructure Development (RID) activities should target unique activities that increase Nevada’s competitiveness.

2018 Nevada NASA EPSCoR Request for CAN LOI & Pre-proposals – 05/21/18 LOI deadline

The Nevada NASA EPSCoR program requests Letter of Intent (LOI) and Pre-proposals for the National NASA EPSCoR Research CAN. Faculty at Nevada System of Higher Education institutions, particularly junior faculty, women, and members of other underrepresented populations are encouraged to apply. Faculty who have a current National NASA EPSCoR Research CAN project are not eligible to apply while their project is on-going. Pre-proposals must include Co-PIs from at least three NSHE institutions.

Workshop and Travel Support – ongoing opportunity

The Nevada NASA EPSCoR program announces available funding for Workshop and Travel support for NASA collaboration and proposal development. The goal is to facilitate new research collaborations among NASA Centers and NSHE faculty by competitively awarding travel grants and workshop funds.