Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Nevada NASA EPSCoR Highlight: Xiaoliang Wang, DRI

Particle Detection and Characterization for Spacecraft Fire Safety. Detecting smoke at the earliest stage of a fire is critical for spacecraft safety. Conventional spacecraft smoke detectors are not optimized for space fires and therefore have lower sensitivity and higher false alarm rates. This project established spacecraft fire safety research capabilities in the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) by extending the combustion laboratory capability and leveraging the expertise of aerosol instrumentation, particle characterization, and fire science in NSHE.

Nevada NASA EPSCoR Highlight Elisabeth Hausrath, UNLV

Analysis of Iron-rich X-ray Amorphous Weathering Products on Earth and Comparisons to Measurements from Mars. This funding supported research in the recently deglaciated ultramafic rocks in the Klamath Mountains, as well as in the arid Pickhandle Gulch in Nevada. Weathered materials from these environments were separated and analyzed for comparisons with weathered materials from Mars.

Nevada NASA EPSCoR Highlight: Duane Moser, DRI

Desert Brine Microorganisms and Abiotic Oxidants: New Analog Research Capacity for Nevada. Our goal is to evaluate rare natural brines for their potential utility as analogs to explore the physiological limits for life. 

NSF Science360 News Headlines Dr. Scott Abella, UNLV

Knowledge is power: Protecting the desert tortoise featured in “Headlines” in the May 4th, 2018 NSF Science360 News. NEXUS project uses ecological knowledge to enhance the habitat quality for threatened desert wildlife

NASA Seeking Volunteer Reviewers in Earth and Space Science

NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) is seeking subject matter experts to serve as mail-in and/or panel reviewers of proposals to ROSES and other SMD solicitations. Just follow the links below to the volunteer review forms and click the boxes to indicate the topics in which you consider yourself to be a subject matter expert. If your skills match our needs for that review, we will contact you to discuss scheduling.

NSF Science360 News Headlines Dr. Jacimaria Batista, UNLV

Could renewable energy be used to pump shallow brackish groundwater to generate fresh water? featured in “Headlines” in the April 4th, 2018 NSF Science360 News. Counting the Benefits: NEXUS researchers investigate the potential of using renewable energy for pumping shallow brackish groundwater to generate freshwater

NSF Science360 News Picture of the Day Chris Stevens, UNR

Photo by Chris Stevens, 2017-2018 Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program student at the University of Nevada, Reno featured as “Picture of the Day” in the March 3rd, 2018 NSF Science360 News. Thinking outside the classroom: NEXUS program helps undergraduate students learn critical research skills in STEM disciplines.

Vacancy: Director for the Nevada EPSCoR Office

The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) invites applications and nominations for the position of Director, Nevada EPSCoR/System Sponsored Programs. This is a renewable, full-time, non-tenured, administrative position and reports to the Vice Chancellor for Government and Community Affairs.  The position will be located in Las Vegas, NV.  The NSHE is comprised of eight institutions:  two universities, a state college, four community colleges, and a research institute. The public system of higher education in Nevada continues to experience rapid growth, with significant challenges and opportunities in serving its 105,000 students and 12,000 employees. 

The Director provides leadership to the NSHE System Sponsored Programs Office (SSPO/EPSCoR) for the pre-award and post-award administration of all grants and contracts, represents Nevada and NSHE to all EPSCoR program agencies and sponsors, provides information and support systems to facilitate the acquisition of extramural funding for collaborative programs within the System, and leads System-wide efforts to streamline administrative processes shared by NSHE institutions. 

View Vacancy Announcement

Photo by Dr. Scotty Strachan, University of Nevada, Reno

NSF Science360 News Picture of the Day Dr. Henry Sun, DRI

Dr. Henry Sun, DRI featured as the Picture of the Day in February 2, 2018 NSF Science360 News. Savings the Desert’s Upper Crust: NEXUS researchers investigate the preservation of a vital component of desert ecosystems. Part of the NSF Nevada EPSCoR Solar Energy-Water-Environment Nexus in Nevada project, #IIA-1301726.