HDRFS Website Launch

We are excited to announce the website launch for the RII Track-1: Harnessing the Data Revolution for Fire Science (HDRFS) project.

On the HDRFS website, you can find information about our project and the different research components, as well as funding opportunities and resources as they become available. The new website will be updated regularly with timely updates about our programs, recent news, and upcoming events.

The overarching goal of the HDRFS project is to increase the capacity of Nevada for wildland fire research, education, and workforce development and to demonstrate this increased capacity through technology-enhanced fire science in the regionally important sagebrush ecosystem.

This project is funded through the National Science Foundation Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NSF EPSCoR); whose mission is to enhance research competitiveness of targeted jurisdictions (states, territories, commonwealth) by strengthening STEM capacity and capability through a diverse portfolio of investments from talent development to local infrastructure.